Chapter 6: The Dreadful War
• The Emancipation Proclamation brought on rejoice and anger in the northern states
• Lincoln initiates a draft for soldiers
• Riots broke out in New York
• Lincoln replaces another General (Burnside) who promptly lost 12,000 men in a battle and resigned
• Lincoln replaces Burnside with General “Fighting Joe” Hooker who again lasted only one battle losing 17,000 men
• Lincoln replaces Hooker with General George Gordon Meade
• Meade met Lee on July 1 at the battle of Gettysburg where 170,000 troops fought
• On July 4, after a loss of around 50,000 troops on both sides, Lee was defeated and started back to Virginia
• Meade failed to pursue Lee who successfully escaped by crossing the Potomic
• Four months later Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address speech
• Lincoln appoints successful General Ulysses S. Grant as General in chief of all Union armies
• 1864 Re-election is on the horizon against democrat General George B. McClellan (same general Lincoln dismissed)
• As election day came the Union started winning the war and Lincoln was re-elected
• April 2, Robert E. Lee notified Confederate President Jefferson Davis that he could no longer hold his lines
• April 9, General Lee and Grant met face-to-face at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia where Lee surrendered
• The civil war lasted almost four years and cost more than 600,000 lives-about equal to the death toll in all other US wars combined, before and since